All of the symptoms of prostatitis, and the symptoms of the disease in men

The one who is most likely to be the prostate gland in men and women: what is it and what are the symptoms, the characteristics, the primary manifestation of disease are there? With this knowledge, you can fix the problem, I do not say it out loud. Prostatitis is the most common urological disease (uretroprostatit), mainly among the older group of males (approximately 70 %). Today, the symptoms of prostatitis, the men are often found, and young people between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age. Without the proper care and treatment of the disease, it can have a very negative impact on the health of men.

The symptoms of prostatitis

Today, the symptoms of the disease are often detected, and in young people between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age.

The main reasons are that it is on the basis of the disease, and is always on the surface. The prostate enlargement may be due to the habits of a way of life, the action of the factors, and that the day-to-day to make a difference in the prostate gland. In the early stage of the disease, as a rule, poor, the pain is less, so that people don't pay a lot of attention to the earliest bells in the future, serious problems. The escalation is out of the blue, when it hurts so that all of the major issues of life become irrelevant.Put it out with a scalpel castaneocoronata expressions bliznyashki is between its acute and chronic forms of the

Here are some of the options for conditions for disease and its symptoms.

  1. Standing (chf) prostatitis is often chronic. The enlargement of the prostate becomes in the course of the periods, the beginning of the acute period (acute) and waiting for years, not suspecting anything at all. There are different reasons for which they develop congestive prostatitis:
  2. In the absence of the financial year. The stagnation of blood in the pelvis and causes the congestive process of pathology testing and an increase in the body.
  3. A traumatic injury.
  4. The frequent the common cold.
  5. The habit of sitting back down, throwing one leg over the other.
  6. Of the forum. If it's a man's zastudil of the sexual organs, is the background to the development of acute inflammation.
  7. The overheating problem. Fans of saunas, they also must be very careful, and long-term exposure to high temperatures in the region of the pelvis leads to an increase of the prostate gland.

Physicians (standing), prostatitis can cause deterioration of the sexual life, that is why it is important to remove all the causes of their arising, and pass the regular examination, the doctor-the urologist (physical examination, ultrasonography, tests).

  1. Stones in the prostate gland is not such a rare stone, a frequent companion of men in the third age. In the 40-year-old rocks are found only in 10 % of patients, 50 and 60 years, with the percentage suffering increases up to the 80's. Concretions are frequent companions prostatitis and adenomas (BPH).
  2. Prostatorrhea — the granting of the urethra is a liquid oxygen that forms in the prostate gland. The process is carried out without any pain, the result of natureline of the act of defecation or after urination. Prostatorrhea may be a mate of acute (and chronic) prostatitis, or in the force of the anatomical features of the location of the body.
  3. Prostatitis-bacterial that occurs when you come into contact with the bacteria, resulting in the increase of the pain. Bacterial (chronic and acute), it is the inflammatory process which is a bacteriological diagnosis, which needs to be confirmed by the laboratory. It is often confused with the symptoms of bph (prostatic HYPERPLASIA — benign tumor, when it occurs, the number of exacerbations in the midst of is violated the output of the urine, and the conditions conducive to the spread of the bacteria that cause the disease.
  4. BPH is a benign tumor, not cancer, and it is natural for the regeneration of the tissues of the prostate gland, due to changes related to age. The increase may be gradual over a number of years, but, according to the statistics, men are after 65-70 years, almost all of them have an adenoma of the prostate gland. What does it look like, can be found in the topic of the photo on the Internet. Timely manner the testing (ultra-sound tests helps to reduce the risk of an exacerbation, and acute urinary retention.
  5. Purulent prostatitis, signs, and some of the most trying for the men. There occurs an enlargement of the prostate due to an accumulation of pus, and the failure of the free outputs of the body. Purulent process is characterized by a high-temperature, men, severely wounded, in the groin area, palpation, due to a strong discomfort. In a timely manner, spent for the ultrasound allows you to identify the purulent process, and obtain you help.

If a man has a lot of pain in the pelvic region, delayed by lack of early treatment often becomes the cause of serious complications.

The characteristics of the manifestation of the disease

The first sign of an inflammation of the prostate gland, a man may feel for the next campaign in a toilet. The problem of the emptying of the bladder, and the discomfort may indicate that the iron has already started the process of inflammation, an increase in the size and pinch of urine-diverting toilets the way. And here is for the man to make the first mistake: do you believe that your disease will be held in the other. Not going to go away, and the signs of early prostatitis, are just "improved", and for the worse. To learn more about the disease at the time of starting to deal with it, looking for case study on video or in a photo on the Internet.

Asymptomatic prostatitis (often asymptomatic), one of the issues that you can give big problems in the future. When there is no increased risk, the man was not the suspect who is in the bosom of his body continues to mature uretroprostatit, and the first signs of the disease begin when a pathological process that affects a large area of the prostate gland.

Lower back pain

Often, the inflammatory process which gives the pain in the back, as if the pain of sciatica.

The symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland may be slightly different, depending on the shape and severity of the disease. However, in women, the early symptoms of prostatitis that are common to all types of the disease. So, the obvious signs of the presence of an inflammation of the prostate gland are:

  • Frequent urges on the telephone.
  • Pain and difficulty passing urine.
  • Maybe it's the increase of the temperature up to 39 °C (the acute condition).

The man is experiencing daily discomfort, which will prevent its full operation. As a result, "become familiar" with the prostatitis, a visit to a doctor, it is better not to postpone it in a box. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the symptoms will vary from case to case. Such a variety of manifestations, does not always allow you the time to look at the problem and start the proper treatment. For this reason, it is very important for you to know how it manifests itself in the prostatitis, so take the time to advise on their development.

Many times, the deterioration of the disease has the following signs (or symptoms):

  • The pain when urinating.
  • The violation of sexual function.
  • For urethral discharge.
  • Burning sensation and pain in the groin area, the scrotum, the lower part of the belly.
  • The presence in the urine, floating-point (program of mucus or blood.
  • The discomfort to have a bowel movement.
  • Low back pain (the sciatica).
  • Tingling, and weakness in the heat (when it worsened).
  • Perspiration is very intense.
  • The feeling of constant bladder is full.
  • Irritability, and nervousness.
  • The increase of the stress.

In the chronic for prostatitis, it becomes much more insidious. The signs that may not manifest itself in the course of the year, and the patient learns about his disease is only going to get worse.

It is important to note that the symptoms of prostatitis to men, as described above, it is not manifest to all, and at the same time. The clinical presentation of the disease is highly variable, and depend on purely individual characteristics of the human being, his life style, preferences and way of life. When it's bright, the manifestations of the inflammation of the symptoms manifest themselves and, many times, in waves, showing-off, and then backing off, introducing yourself to the patient's misunderstanding of the situation. Recognize the same symptoms that are exact (in-phase, type), and to determine the correct approach to treatment, we are able to a urologist by means of a special diagnosis (ultra-sound), to learn about what you can be a doctor, or to view the video on the Internet.

  • The power of the pain.

The pain is usually do not have clearly localized in nature. The pain irradiiruet in the area of the sacrum, the scrotum and the perineum, which confuses the man, and binds it to take any of the illnesses, in addition to problems with the prostate gland. The only thing is that the iron is not "radiating pain", but in the nerve endings, when there is an increase, differing from it in the various organs, and give you an unpleasant feeling. The power of pain-it depends on how you started the disease, as well as by men zastudil of the sexual organs. It can be uncomfortable to sharp, the man in the bed.

The pain

The power of the pain depends upon the neglect of the disease: the poor before the court, it is not for a man to go to sleep.

  • Problems with passing urine.

Quite only, it is a symptom which is expressed in the frequent boost in the wake of the "small", but after the bursting there remains the feeling that the bladder is not enough to destroy it. This leads to more psychological discomfort, especially during the day. This colour explains a part of the fixing to the prostate gland the inflamed canal, urethral, resulting in the urine does not come out, free of the current, and with all the delays. When explaining and talking points for the symptom and the disease is spreading, and as a result, there may develop acute urinary retention.

  • The low sexual activity.

It is believed that prostatitis leads to complete male-insolvency in the sphere of the sexual. This is partly true, but in the early stages of the inflammation may occur in only a partial gipotenzia, which can be seen in the reduction in the strength of sexual intercourse. The root causes of the dysfunction may be different, but the prostatitis is one of the first niche to the process of the formation of the sexual problems. For each man this is different, but it will almost always work, and sales are suffering in pain, for the sake of the man, without knowing it, he begins to avoid sexual intercourse. If the disease process leads to symptoms of the nature of man to have a long-standing understanding of the causes of sexual problems. What do you do in this situation? The survey is complete, and to detect the disease early in the life cycle of the work in the future, in order to avoid the problem of pain, and even acute manifestations of the disease.

The differences between the acute and the chronic forms of the

There are two types of prostatitis: acute and chronic. Each and every one of them has their own characteristics, their own guidelines, but in the picture there is almost no diversity), which is placed on the diagnosis and the treatment that is prescribed.

The first symptoms of the acute chain of the disease:

  • The discomfort in the groin area.
  • A frequent and painful desire to urinate, itchy and burning).
  • The reduction of the erection.
  • In the urine, abnormal inclusions in the form of a filament.
  • The sharp increase in temperature (38-39 °C).

The chronicle of a delivery man, a lot of problems: pain, pain, pain or difficulty passing urine, loss of sexual desire.

In addition to that, the the signs of prostatitis, men may experience weakness, restlessness, quick to fatigue, and apathy.

A chronic of the current increases, when you are going to get worse and the symptoms of the disease, giving the man a wide range of problems: physical and psychological. The main symptoms of stagnation of the current of this disease are:

  • The pain (but tiring) pain is, by giving in to the groin area, the testicles and the rectum. When you get an erection, all of these signals are amplified, therefore, is the intimacy it gives less pleasure.
  • Urination is frequent, painful.
  • Loss of sexual desire.
  • In the chronic bacterial prostatitis will appear the feature of the allocation, filiform, with a yellowish tinge. They urinate and defecate.

Complications when a prostatitis is common and there are very difficult. When the abscess of the prostate gland, and the treatment of the sepsis, long time and doesn't always end well, however, in such a dangerous complication, and fortunately, we've developed a rare occurrence.

If you completely ignore the signs of the disease, or to self-medicate, released in the chronicle, and the process goes on to the surrounding organs, leading to an inflammatory process. It is of concern to the development of additional complications, leading to infertility. To respond to the first signs of an incipient prostatitis you need to immediately go for a thorough research, do an ultrasound, and they pass the test. So it's not going to develop the disease, and to carry out the treatment as soon as possible.